Sunday, June 28, 2009


I think I got the sniffles handled for this week, which was nice. And I'm sure for those of you actually listening to these messages, you'll appreciate not hearing "snnssssnnffffff" every 10 seconds. Anyway...

As we continue to talk about a healthy church, today's topic was being real, that we need to be authentic and genuine both as individuals and as churches, and that hypocrisy is our enemy. We don't want to admit that we're messed up sometimes because we are afraid of what people will think of us or we are ashamed, but God already knows everything about us. And, if we're honest, we realize that everyone needs help, everyone needs the support and love of the body of Christ.

There's more to ponder about all of this, so take a listen, and feel free to leave comments if you like! And, if you have problems, you can email me at

Sermon, June 28

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Ed,
    Thank you for the great sermons on a healthy church. I have really enjoyed and been blessed by listening to them. Thank you for putting them on the Web-it's great to be able to hear your sermon every week. I miss not being able to be at church every week, so this really helps. May God bless you and your family as you serve Him at Kendrick.
