Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I took the opportunity this Sunday to pause in Genesis and share some thoughts after our conference last week in Kansas.

Sermon, July 24
Direct Download

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Flood

Well, for some reason or another, I didn't get last week's sermon posted, so here's two. These essentially cover Genesis 6 and 7, and deal with a lot of the flood issues that sometimes come up in questions.

Speaking of questions, I've got a link to a bunch of really great article at Answers in Genesis, and I encourage you so top there and take a look.

Sermon, July 10
Direct Download

Sermon July 17
Direct Download

Answers in Genesis

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Population Boom

It's hard for us to imagine a world worse than our own in terms of depravity and sin. But perhaps the ancient world prior to the flood really was worse. As the Bible touches on these issues in Genesis 5, it's important not to read too far into what is there, but there are clues that show the rapid decline of civilisation because of sin.

UPDATE: Ok, thanks to a keen-eared follower, I found out that I had posted the wrong links for the sermon. It is now corrected to the most recent Sunday and hopefully it will make more sense now!

Sermon, July 3
Direct Download