Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas around the corner

So this isn't exactly a typical Christmas sermon, but I hope the thought of the approaching holiday gives us some pause to consider why we do some of the things that we do. If we don't know why, we should find out. That goes for every aspect of our faith.

And for the ipod folks out there, now that our file hosting solution is in place, you can add the blog to itunes and get the sermons much more easily. In itunes, go to the Advanced tab, and select subscribe to podcast. When the dialog box pops up, copy this in to the box:

Itunes will automatically reel in the new sermons each week. What a deal!

Sermon, November 28
Direct Download

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thankfulness and Justice

Sometimes I wonder if I really got across what I was trying to say. Today was one of those Sundays. Perhaps it was due to working through the sermon while my brain was addled with a cold. Sort of made everything a little fuzzy in my thinking ;-) But, thankfulness and justice really do go together, and it's an appropriate subject for us to consider before this great American holiday.

And another note: I did upgrade the file hosting service to a paid membership, so there will be no more waiting for downloads, and no more ads on the page. Also, I will be able to post a direct link to the mp3 here on the blog, so that may help the iTunes people. If I can set up an rss feed, that would help even more for anyone subscribing :-)

Sermon, November 21
Direct Download

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Persecuted Church


Somehow I neglected to get the sermon uploaded and the blog post done before now. Hopefully it's better late than never!

Anyway, this Sunday we spoke about the Persecuted Church, and I hope that this message challenges us to remember our brothers and sisters in Christ that face suffering because of their faith.

Sermon, Nov 14

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Using Your Gifts

This is the last message in the Spiritual Gifts series, and hopefully it is an appropriate challenge for all of us to keep growing and seeking what God has for us in our Christianity.

Sermon, November 7