Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas and New Year Messages

I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday season, especially since it seems to have flown by already. Here's the messages from the last two weeks, where we talked about the paradox of Christmas, and I shared what I want for the New Year!

Sermon, December 23

Sermon, December 30

Sunday, December 16, 2012

More sermons, including Christmas!

Finally got the sermons uploaded from the last two weeks, and today's is posted as well. Getting the new host figured out a little better helps, too!

There are a couple more sermons from the 2 Corinthians series, as well as what is, for all intents and purposes, a Christmas message that is about the shooting in Connecticut. That may seem odd, but I hope that the sermon explains my point there.

Sermon, December 2

Sermon, December 9

Sermon, December 16

Monday, November 26, 2012

A New Sermon Host, and New Sermons

I apologize for the delay in getting the last couple weeks posted. I'm moving to a new file host, due to some issues that I was not pleased with at the last place. There may be a few bugs to work out, but hopefully things will work out fairly smoothly. If you notice any problems, please let me know and I will do my best to address them. You can listen to the sermons using the links below, or listen to them on the new page at

For the iTunes folks, you'll have to subscribe to a new feed:

If for some reason you have trouble getting that feed to work, contact me and I will try to help you figure out a solution.

We're working our way deeper in to 2 Corinthians, and the last two weeks basically dealt with Paul's discussion of his rift with the church at Corinth. It's an interesting point of study as we see aspects of Paul's ministry through an inside perspective.

Sermon, November 18

Sermon, November 25

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Persecuted Church

This Sunday was the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 1:8-11 speak about his struggles during some persecution, so it was fitting for us to talk about that in relation to the serious trials that Christians face around the world still today.

Sermon, November 11

Direct Download

Monday, November 5, 2012

A New Sermon Series...

This Sunday, we jumped into one of the more eclectic letters of the New Testament, 2 Corinthians. I say that because it doesn't follow the pattern of Paul's other letters, per say, nor does it have the heavily didactic or doctrinal feel that some books do. What is does do, though, is show the apostle's heart for ministry, and there are definitely applicable lessons for us. We looked at the first seven verses of chapter one this week.

Sermon, November 4

Direct Download

Monday, October 22, 2012

Contentment, Part 3

If contentment is not convenience, then what is contentment? Maybe another way to look at it is like this: If I want to be content, truly content, then seeking what feeds my desires quickly will probably not lead to contentment. Finding the way to be truly satisfied is not necessarily easy, but I believe the Bible lays out the path for us. We looked at several passages in Sunday's sermon that can give us some direction in that pursuit.

Sermon, October 21

Direct Download

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Contentment, Part 2

This was a continuation from last week's sermon, although I feel it was perhaps too open ended. Contentment has been a very hard topic, mostly because I am realizing how discontent I am sometimes. Lord willing, He will be working on me to change those self-interested patterns and the quest for convenience. I want to seek true contentment. But, it's not very convenient...

Sermon, October 14
Direct Download

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Pursuit of Contentment

How content are you? Most of us, despite living in one of the most affluent cultures in history, are discontent. We want what we do not have, and yet when we get it, we are still unhappy. It shouldn't be a surprise that the Bible speaks about contentment quite a bit, and it seems that its a topic we need to be reminded about from time to time. Here's part 1 of The Pursuit of Contentment.

Sermon, October 7
Direct Download

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Finally back at it...

It's hard to believe that the last posts go back to the summertime, and I apologize for the delay. I haven't fixed all the problems with my laptop, but I did finally arrive at another recording solution, and as I start to use it more, I will hopefully be able to fine-tune the quality, as well as get the sermons back up in a more timely fashion.

There were a number of sermons in Genesis that simply were not recorded due to the technical issues we had, but of those that I do have, I will try to post some links to those soon. It looks as though our file host also fixed some problems with the way they assign links, so if anyone has any problems listening to or downloading the sermon, please let me know.

This most recent Sunday was simply a time to give praise and testify to God's goodness. My message was really more of a reflection on our recent addition to our family, and I hope I was able to express the gratefulness of new life!

Sermon, September 30
Direct Link

Monday, July 16, 2012

When We Don't Want to Listen

Joseph's story is an amazing journey that leads through some difficult situations. We can easily make application to our lives today as we look at what he faced, and today's passage is no exception. The relationship that Joseph had with his brothers was not good, yet God had plans that included the rift that caused Joseph's brothers to sell him into slavery.

Sermon, July 15
Direct Download

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The ups and downs of Jacob

Jacob had his share of highs and lows, and today we surveyed several portions from his life as he travelled back to the land of his Fathers. Through it all, God watched over Jacob and directed his steps, through blessing and trials.

Also, check out this ministry: Steer Inc.

Sermon, July 8
Direct Download

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Catching Up Again

These last two weeks have been very interesting, with all the coverage of the fires, as well as numerous lesser stories that just seem to indicate the world is coming apart at the seams. This isn't a surprise to Christians, but often we overlook how God wants us to keep our hope fixed on Him through these trials. Genesis provides the framework for understanding how sin corrupted the world, and last week we continued through the life of Jacob. This week, I spoke about recent events and the perspective we need to have on what God is doing.

Sermon, June 24
Direct Download

Sermon, July 1
Direct Download

Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day

Wow! It's been a while since the last sermon post, and I apologize for that. Hopefully we'll be back to regularly scheduled programming now, and today's short sermon is for the fathers out there. We all need a kick in the pants from time to time, and we need to remember how serious our calling is.

Sermon, June 17
Direct Download

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wisdom and Calling

After taking some vacation time last week, we are back at it again! This weeks sermon had a lot to do with another message I gave this last weekend. I had the honor of speaking at the Edison graduation ceremony, and my speech was about wisdom and calling. There have been a few that have asked about the message, so there is a link to download a copy of the text. Feel free to pass it on to others.

On Sunday morning, I spoke again about wisdom and calling, but more from the perspective of living those things out in our lives as Christians. Hopefully, the two sort of go together.

Sermon, May 20
Direct Download

Graduation Message

Monday, May 7, 2012

Jacob on his own

As we move through Genesis, the narrative shifts it focus from Isaac to center more firmly on Jacob. In Genesis 28, Jacob finds himself essentially exiled from his family, and yet he is not alone.

Sermon, May 6
Direct Download

Monday, April 30, 2012

Catching up...

Last week, I basically had A.D.D., (at least, that's what I'm going with) and didn't get the sermon uploaded. So today, you can get two for the price of one! Which, of course, is free, which is still a pretty good deal, but...A.D.D.! Yeah, that's how my weeks have been lately :-)

Last week, we spoke about our spiritual health as believers, and this Sunday we went back to Genesis, and picked up in chapter 27.

Sermon, April 22
Direct Download

Sermon, April 29
Direct Download

Monday, April 16, 2012

A Special Guest

Its always a privilege whenever we have guest speakers  at church, and this last Sunday was no exception. Listen to the encouraging message from a native of India, and his work there among the "untouchables."

Sermon, April 15
Direct Download

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter, and a Graduation...

It's been an unusual month or two around KBC, with holidays and funerals in addition to the regular activities. Finally getting around to posting the message from Easter Sunday, as well as the funeral service for Art Rasner. I really appreciate everyone who has helped make all the activities work smoothly, and we pray that hearts will be reached through these events!

Easter Sunday Message
Direct Download

Art Rasner Service
Direct Download

Monday, April 2, 2012

For One Hour

After a very busy weekend, I finally got a sermon uploaded and ready to go. This week, we explored the prayer Jesus prayed in Gethsemane.

Sermon, April 1
Direct Download

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Two sermons

Due to technological glitches that were out of my control, I was unable to upload last weeks sermon. It seems as though my file server has fixed whatever the problem was, so here's last week's and this week's sermons, for your listening pleasure or your insomnia cure :-)

Sermon, March 18
Direct Download

Sermon, March 25
Direct Download

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Beginning of a Heritage

Today we cruised through Genesis 25, an interesting passage dealing with the family of Isaac. Like most families, there was dysfunction evident, but that did not thwart God's plans.

Sermon, March 11
Direct Download

Today's Bulletin PDF!

Monday, March 5, 2012

A prayer for direction

I have really enjoyed preaching through Genesis, and as we approach the end of Abraham's life, one of the stories that doesn't get a lot of attention is the story of how Rebekah came to be Isaac's wife. There's an interesting focus on prayer in chapter 24, and we examined it in this sermon..

Sermon, March 4
Direct Download

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Test

Genesis 22 has a special significance in the Bible, due to the test that God gives Abraham as well as the foreshadowing of the sacrifice of Christ. The test bring up difficult issues but hopefully leads us towards deeper faith in the God who sees.

Sermon, February 26
Direct Download

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Birth of Isaac

The arrival of Isaac in Abraham's family brings out some interesting family dynamics, as well as an occasion for us to see God working out His plans in spite of their poor choices.

Sermon, February 19
Direct Download

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Catching Up

There's been a lot going on here at KBC lately. Last week, no services due to weather. Then, two funerals in one week, with one being our own Dean Sams. The audio from his funeral service is here, and what I regret is that we were not able to record Rick's songs for some reason. Our settings weren't correct, but I can tell you Rick did a great job. So did Jerry and Jon though in their messages and their sharing, so please have a listen.

Dean Sams Funeral Service
Direct Download

Also, sermon audio from this Sunday, a little rabbit trail after all the events of the week.

Sermon, February 12
Direct Download

Monday, January 30, 2012

Learning from the past

Genesis 20 seems rather similar to another incident in Abraham's life. And while we might think "How could someone make the same poor choice twice?", isn't that how we all are?

Sermon, January 29
Direct Download

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

After a slight delay...

Due to a malfunction with my laptop, I had to wait until today to get the sermon audio up. Actually, my laptop cord broke for the third or fourth time, so a replacement arrived via UPS today, and we're back up and running!

Sunday's sermon dealt with the difficult subject matter of Genesis 19, a hard chapter that contains some very graphic material. There's certainly more that could have been covered, but hopefully the main points came across.

Sermon, January 22
Direct Download

Bulletin Cover
Bulletin Inside

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sodom and Gommorah, Part 1

The story of the most infamous cities in the Old Testament is terse and to the point. We don't get much context on how Sodom and Gommorah came to be the places that they were by Lot's time, but all we know is that it was bad. There are lessons for us to learn in this text, and we examined the first part of the story today.

Sermon, January 15
Direct Download

And sometime, I will try to get the bulletins posted for those that like to keep up with the prayer requests. My apologies for letting that slip. :-)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Conversing with God

Today we discussed the end of Genesis chapter 18, which is a very interesting glimpse into the dialogue Abraham had with God.

Sermon, January 8
Direct Download

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Into the New Year!

While we can't stop time, we can certainly reflect upon its passing, which grows quicker each year. That being said, God is still at work, and He calls us to pray, which is a task that seems daunting at times. What we talked about today was importunate praying, and the passage was from Luke 18.

Sermon, January 1
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