Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Ancient World

It's a bit hard for me to bring in all the rich details of the places where the Bible's history intersects with other known ancient works and places. I am a poor student of history. However, Genesis chapters 10 and 11 give us a lot of important information about what was going on 5000 years ago, including the infamous story of the Tower of Babel.

Sermon, August 14
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Monday, August 8, 2011

A Shameful Situation

How do you respond when someone else messes up? Frustration? A little secret joy? Scorn? Or do you see it as an opportunity for compassion and dignity? Today we looked at the strange little story of Noah and his vineyard, and the results of the choices he and his sons made.

Sermon, August 7
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Monday, August 1, 2011

Starting Over

Today we looked at a pretty big chunk of Genesis: all of chapter 8 and half of 9. All of it has to do with the post-flood events. It's a good reminder for us that while there will never be another flood, there is a day of judgement coming.

Sermon, July 31
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