Monday, January 30, 2012

Learning from the past

Genesis 20 seems rather similar to another incident in Abraham's life. And while we might think "How could someone make the same poor choice twice?", isn't that how we all are?

Sermon, January 29
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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

After a slight delay...

Due to a malfunction with my laptop, I had to wait until today to get the sermon audio up. Actually, my laptop cord broke for the third or fourth time, so a replacement arrived via UPS today, and we're back up and running!

Sunday's sermon dealt with the difficult subject matter of Genesis 19, a hard chapter that contains some very graphic material. There's certainly more that could have been covered, but hopefully the main points came across.

Sermon, January 22
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Bulletin Cover
Bulletin Inside

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sodom and Gommorah, Part 1

The story of the most infamous cities in the Old Testament is terse and to the point. We don't get much context on how Sodom and Gommorah came to be the places that they were by Lot's time, but all we know is that it was bad. There are lessons for us to learn in this text, and we examined the first part of the story today.

Sermon, January 15
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And sometime, I will try to get the bulletins posted for those that like to keep up with the prayer requests. My apologies for letting that slip. :-)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Conversing with God

Today we discussed the end of Genesis chapter 18, which is a very interesting glimpse into the dialogue Abraham had with God.

Sermon, January 8
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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Into the New Year!

While we can't stop time, we can certainly reflect upon its passing, which grows quicker each year. That being said, God is still at work, and He calls us to pray, which is a task that seems daunting at times. What we talked about today was importunate praying, and the passage was from Luke 18.

Sermon, January 1
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