Monday, October 22, 2012

Contentment, Part 3

If contentment is not convenience, then what is contentment? Maybe another way to look at it is like this: If I want to be content, truly content, then seeking what feeds my desires quickly will probably not lead to contentment. Finding the way to be truly satisfied is not necessarily easy, but I believe the Bible lays out the path for us. We looked at several passages in Sunday's sermon that can give us some direction in that pursuit.

Sermon, October 21

Direct Download

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Contentment, Part 2

This was a continuation from last week's sermon, although I feel it was perhaps too open ended. Contentment has been a very hard topic, mostly because I am realizing how discontent I am sometimes. Lord willing, He will be working on me to change those self-interested patterns and the quest for convenience. I want to seek true contentment. But, it's not very convenient...

Sermon, October 14
Direct Download

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Pursuit of Contentment

How content are you? Most of us, despite living in one of the most affluent cultures in history, are discontent. We want what we do not have, and yet when we get it, we are still unhappy. It shouldn't be a surprise that the Bible speaks about contentment quite a bit, and it seems that its a topic we need to be reminded about from time to time. Here's part 1 of The Pursuit of Contentment.

Sermon, October 7
Direct Download

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Finally back at it...

It's hard to believe that the last posts go back to the summertime, and I apologize for the delay. I haven't fixed all the problems with my laptop, but I did finally arrive at another recording solution, and as I start to use it more, I will hopefully be able to fine-tune the quality, as well as get the sermons back up in a more timely fashion.

There were a number of sermons in Genesis that simply were not recorded due to the technical issues we had, but of those that I do have, I will try to post some links to those soon. It looks as though our file host also fixed some problems with the way they assign links, so if anyone has any problems listening to or downloading the sermon, please let me know.

This most recent Sunday was simply a time to give praise and testify to God's goodness. My message was really more of a reflection on our recent addition to our family, and I hope I was able to express the gratefulness of new life!

Sermon, September 30
Direct Link