Sunday, April 25, 2010


We had a bit of an unusual service today, but unusual in a good way. A younger couple in our church had recently gotten married, but asked if we could do a vows ceremony at the church sometime later. Well, that sometime ended up being today, and we had a short ceremony for them right after I got done preaching, basically. My message today centered on marriage; it only seemed right to do that! It all went very well and was pretty neat to see how it worked out.

Sermon, April 25
Church Membership Session 3

Monday, April 19, 2010

Working for a living

Today's passage came from 2 Thessalonians 3:6-12. The main idea seems to be this, that if we are able, we need to make some sort of effort toward taking care of our own needs. The church is not a place to "freeload". While there are plenty of people that we can assist, and some that genuinely need complete help, we also need to help some people find a way to be productive, and not an unnecessary burden. This seems harsh sometimes, but in the long run it eliminates dependence, frustration, and disunity within the church.

I'm going to add a couple of new links as well over on the right side. One is for The Resurgence, a website from Mars Hill church in Seattle. There's always something interesting to read on there, and usually I end up being challenged by it. Also, an important group to be familiar with is The Gospel Coalition. They are committed to keeping the truth of the gospel as the main thing within churches, and they have some top-notch guys that are a part of it.

And I apologize for the broken links some experienced last week. I'm not sure what happened, exactly, but I will double check these ones and make sure they work.

Sermon, April 18
Membership Session 2

Sunday, April 11, 2010

One of the things that happens when you record yourself talking is that you realize that you sound like an idiot. So, I apologize for the uhs, ums, and other speaking foibles that I have. I am working to correct them, but man, is it hard!

For this post, there are several links here. One is the sermon, obviously. The second is for Fox's Book of Martyrs, a must read for any Christian. I referenced it in the sermon this morning, and you can read it online for free.

The last link is for the recording of our evening service. We are working on membership classes, and for those who are unable to attend, or are curious to learn more, please have a listen. If you have any questions, email, call, or drop by, because I would love to talk with you.

Sermon, April 4
Fox's Book of Martyrs
Membership Session 1

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Service

It was truly a beautiful morning, and it was so great to be out on the prairie, having our sunrise service. Yes, it was a little cold, but I was so pleased to see how many ventured out for the worship. And then, to head back and have Easter Sunday service back at the church, well, it was just a good morning all around.

The recording is for the whole service, so the specials are on there, and the singing, and the message. I can't vouch for the sound quality of the file, but hopefully you can get a taste of our service today.

Service, April 4