Sunday, August 9, 2009

Playing Favorites

How often do you size someone up and make a snap judgment about them? Let's face it, we all do it more often than we think. But how often are we right? That takes longer to tell, and sometimes we don't take the time to really know a person. James warns us about the dangers of showing partiality to people because of who they are or what they look like or how much money they have. The world is full of lost souls that come in all different packages, and we must be so careful to treat each one with the same love and care that God has shown to us.

Sermon, August 9


  1. WOW!!! What a teaching. I've downloaded every teaching you done since you've been at Kendrick, and this is the best by far. I know first hand what happens to somebody that is different from the average christen, because of my ethnic status and the way I dress. from that I'm asked to leave most churches.

  2. Thanks! It's so easy for any of us to look down on others to feel better about ourselves. When I do catch myself doing it, I realize it's pretty silly (at best) or demeaning (at worst.) How quick we are to judge by our own standards rather than looking at things from God's viewpoint!
